Friday, August 15, 2008

Less than 3 days to go...

Ok, so I begin my Student Teaching on Monday. I'm a complete mixture of emotions right now, and I have been all summer long. One day, I'm pumped up, ready to go, excited as hell, bursting with enthusiasm. The next day, I'm a bundle of nerves, crippled with anxiety, and scared to death that the kids are going to hate me and I'm going to be a complete failure. And then, like clockwork, I'm back to being happy and excited, sure of my abilities and talents.

Today, I was the latter. Right now, I'm nervous as can be. It's like those first day of school jitters....times about a million!!! I just don't want to suck, and I don't want to spend the next 14 weeks of my life being completely hated and ridiculed by sixteen year olds.

Ugh....I just don't know what to do with myself.

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